I… have a confession.
I never thought this would become of me...
..Don’t judge..
I’ve become…
Seriously, I always kind of took pride in the fact that I didn’t make lists. That I could remember what I needed to get or do. But when your mind is constantly on overload, it get's lost in this black hole between trying to comprehend Spanish and the land mine of cockroaches in our dining room area o_0.
Some of my lists.
A list of things I need to do. A list of groceries I need. A list of people to email. A list of activities that are happening in the church. And even a list of things to do if and when everything on my other lists get done! Crazy talk.
Anyways, besides this list making business, Staci and I have been enjoying the tranquility of La Plata on summer vacation. Most businesses close either the first or second “fortnight” (fifteen days) of January to go on vacation to the beaches. On top of that the universities are on summer break so the college kids are gone. It makes the city a lot like Manhattan in the summer (only with a 1,000,000 people rather than 50,000). We get a seat on the buses. Our Spanish classes are on hold. Ha, and our local supermarket is closed for the rest of the month so hopefully we don’t run out of milk!
A sunset from my house
Miraculously I got a package from my parents last week! I think it’s a rarity these days because of the restrictions on imports. The Argentines even questioned me on what company I used and that they couldn’t believe I got it (in 18 days none the less!). One gal we talked to said it took a letter from the states 3 months to get to her!
My package full of the essentials: Peanutbutter, cinnamon, chili and taco seasoning
(all lacking here) and of course a running magazine and some chocolate from Santa!
We have started hanging out with a great group of people who are a lot of fun. We’ve had game night with them and they took us bowling! They have been incredibly patient with us, have taught us a lot of slang, and helped understand the difference between “Hace cantos..” y “Hasta cuado…” ("How long ago did you arrive" vs. "When do you leave”) and the correct way to respond! (It’s hard to hear the difference and we usually end up telling them that we got here in June and are leaving in October!)
Staci playing chess against Mario
It’s an exciting time! Seeking God’s face and serving Him in whatever ways He asks. I only hope that I can praise Him through it all!
A doodle I drew ^_^
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