Tuesday, April 14, 2015

a blessed week.

Last week we had a birthday celebration for Denise, one of the members of the church! Her husband, Mario was the one that picked us up when we first arrived in La Plata! It was a fun celebration! About 25 or so people came over and hung out in the salon and Denise had made pizza dough, brought it, topped the pizza and cooked it for everyone!

Everyone eating pizza!!

As people started to arrive I hosted by starting up the mate! I probably poured 100 glasses by the time I ran out of yerba leaves! There was a group of people having a ping-pong tournament which was fun to see people getting excited about! 

Finally we ate dinner and they served cake! I opened my mouth about being "good" at ping-pong and how I hadn't been playing because I didn't want to make them look bad. (oooohhh!) Challenge excepted. The two guys who had been running the table all night played against Staci and I. It was neck and neck and we went into like triple overtime. But! We finally succeeded and WON! It was a blast.

The beautiful cake!

This weekend we took a trip to Irigoyen to help with the kids event and help invite people to church!  It is a rough trip, mainly because we travel at night and have to get out of the car every hour for them to fill the car with pressurized gas. So I am sleeping, wake up and get out of the car, and go back to sleep... 5 times! Whew! Other than the rough travel, it was a good trip. 

Staci eating a milenesa sandwich in the van!

There were 7 adults (and 3 kids) that went total. We're all about the same age. One of the guys that came, Sergio, is the president of the youth of the Covenant churches in Argentina and has a vision to have the youth from all the churches to come together for evangelism projects, including going and helping Beto and Claudia in Irigoyen. 

The of the park view from the churches door!
Saturday was a big day! After getting up and around we went out with the guys and kids to pass out invitations to church door to door. Sometimes we just left a flyer, and sometimes we talked to people passing by or at their homes. Sergio did most of the talking, but it was nice to be there and hear the conversations.

We went back to the church and lunch was ready. We ate and then finished preparing for the kids event that started at 5. I made a bunch of baloon animals and Staci and I helped stuffed some candy bags for their treats. Oh yea! And we made a sign that said "Feliz Hora 2015!" (Happy Hour 2015!) It was all great and good until we were told that it was suppose to say "Hora Feliz 2015".. Whaah Whhaaahhhh. That's what happenes when you come from a language with the adjectives before the noun...

Singing songs with the kids!


Talking about Jesus and Lazarus

The kids stuck around late. Juan, Staci, and I played with volleyball with a group of the older girls. Haha! They were crazy and kept asking how to say things in English and would yell them at each other. So full of energy! 

At 10ish a group of adults came and we ended up having a game night. Guys against Girls! We played a few games of a game kind of like Scategories. Had a scavenger hunt Bible verse unscramble game. Then had to act out a Bible story without using words! Overall, I think the girls won, but.. who was keeping track reaalllllly ;) ;) ;)

Sunday was a lot more relaxed. We ate lunch as a team and then Staci, Juan and I practiced singing "I'm Trading My Sorrows" in English and Spanish to sing as a special song at church. Then we had service! It was a great message. Talking about how Jesus called Peter to walk on the water, and that He calls us to walk with Him through impossibilities to. There are no impossibilities with Jesus!

After service it was time to head back! We packed up and drove the long trip back to arrive in La Plata at 3 am! 

A successful fun change of pace for us! It is such a small town with a Kansas feel so it was nice to be able to breath some fresh air and get to walk along the railroad tracks close to the church. The church and Beto and Claudia can definitely use prayers. I know it wears on them making that trip every weekend and I pray that God continues to use them and grow the ministry there.

Thanks for all your prayers and for reading =)


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