Sunday, April 19, 2015

philippian promises.

There's a bug going around. Staci and I are both fighting colds and a possible stomach bug. We are pretty drained which is somewhat disheartening with the autumn weather being amazing. But we are doing our best trying to rest... We went to sleep at a decent time last night only to be wide awake at 2:30 swatting off mosquitos. For some reasons my whole body was achy and I couldn't get comfortable.. Staci has been reminding me to praise instead of complaining even when things are hard, so I put on some bug spray and decided to pray until I could fall back asleep. Who knows, maybe there was more reason to be awake than fighting off mosquitoes.

This morning we decided to have a Bible study together, going through the first chapter of Philippians which talks about suffering for the sake of the gospel. It is encouraging as we finish out our time here to know that thought we are not always comfortable, physically or culturally, it is for His name's sake. It also talked about how He who began a good work will bring it to completion. So we decided to go through the activities that are going on throughout the week to commit to. One of the things that can be hard about ministry is that church seems to become more of a chore or job than a joy. This will be one of my prayers as we finish out the next 7 weeks in La Plata. That we will be faithful to what God has put before us and give Him the glory through it all!

La Plata sunrise.

His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:24-25).


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