Sunday, April 19, 2015

philippian promises.

There's a bug going around. Staci and I are both fighting colds and a possible stomach bug. We are pretty drained which is somewhat disheartening with the autumn weather being amazing. But we are doing our best trying to rest... We went to sleep at a decent time last night only to be wide awake at 2:30 swatting off mosquitos. For some reasons my whole body was achy and I couldn't get comfortable.. Staci has been reminding me to praise instead of complaining even when things are hard, so I put on some bug spray and decided to pray until I could fall back asleep. Who knows, maybe there was more reason to be awake than fighting off mosquitoes.

This morning we decided to have a Bible study together, going through the first chapter of Philippians which talks about suffering for the sake of the gospel. It is encouraging as we finish out our time here to know that thought we are not always comfortable, physically or culturally, it is for His name's sake. It also talked about how He who began a good work will bring it to completion. So we decided to go through the activities that are going on throughout the week to commit to. One of the things that can be hard about ministry is that church seems to become more of a chore or job than a joy. This will be one of my prayers as we finish out the next 7 weeks in La Plata. That we will be faithful to what God has put before us and give Him the glory through it all!

La Plata sunrise.

His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:24-25).


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

a blessed week.

Last week we had a birthday celebration for Denise, one of the members of the church! Her husband, Mario was the one that picked us up when we first arrived in La Plata! It was a fun celebration! About 25 or so people came over and hung out in the salon and Denise had made pizza dough, brought it, topped the pizza and cooked it for everyone!

Everyone eating pizza!!

As people started to arrive I hosted by starting up the mate! I probably poured 100 glasses by the time I ran out of yerba leaves! There was a group of people having a ping-pong tournament which was fun to see people getting excited about! 

Finally we ate dinner and they served cake! I opened my mouth about being "good" at ping-pong and how I hadn't been playing because I didn't want to make them look bad. (oooohhh!) Challenge excepted. The two guys who had been running the table all night played against Staci and I. It was neck and neck and we went into like triple overtime. But! We finally succeeded and WON! It was a blast.

The beautiful cake!

This weekend we took a trip to Irigoyen to help with the kids event and help invite people to church!  It is a rough trip, mainly because we travel at night and have to get out of the car every hour for them to fill the car with pressurized gas. So I am sleeping, wake up and get out of the car, and go back to sleep... 5 times! Whew! Other than the rough travel, it was a good trip. 

Staci eating a milenesa sandwich in the van!

There were 7 adults (and 3 kids) that went total. We're all about the same age. One of the guys that came, Sergio, is the president of the youth of the Covenant churches in Argentina and has a vision to have the youth from all the churches to come together for evangelism projects, including going and helping Beto and Claudia in Irigoyen. 

The of the park view from the churches door!
Saturday was a big day! After getting up and around we went out with the guys and kids to pass out invitations to church door to door. Sometimes we just left a flyer, and sometimes we talked to people passing by or at their homes. Sergio did most of the talking, but it was nice to be there and hear the conversations.

We went back to the church and lunch was ready. We ate and then finished preparing for the kids event that started at 5. I made a bunch of baloon animals and Staci and I helped stuffed some candy bags for their treats. Oh yea! And we made a sign that said "Feliz Hora 2015!" (Happy Hour 2015!) It was all great and good until we were told that it was suppose to say "Hora Feliz 2015".. Whaah Whhaaahhhh. That's what happenes when you come from a language with the adjectives before the noun...

Singing songs with the kids!


Talking about Jesus and Lazarus

The kids stuck around late. Juan, Staci, and I played with volleyball with a group of the older girls. Haha! They were crazy and kept asking how to say things in English and would yell them at each other. So full of energy! 

At 10ish a group of adults came and we ended up having a game night. Guys against Girls! We played a few games of a game kind of like Scategories. Had a scavenger hunt Bible verse unscramble game. Then had to act out a Bible story without using words! Overall, I think the girls won, but.. who was keeping track reaalllllly ;) ;) ;)

Sunday was a lot more relaxed. We ate lunch as a team and then Staci, Juan and I practiced singing "I'm Trading My Sorrows" in English and Spanish to sing as a special song at church. Then we had service! It was a great message. Talking about how Jesus called Peter to walk on the water, and that He calls us to walk with Him through impossibilities to. There are no impossibilities with Jesus!

After service it was time to head back! We packed up and drove the long trip back to arrive in La Plata at 3 am! 

A successful fun change of pace for us! It is such a small town with a Kansas feel so it was nice to be able to breath some fresh air and get to walk along the railroad tracks close to the church. The church and Beto and Claudia can definitely use prayers. I know it wears on them making that trip every weekend and I pray that God continues to use them and grow the ministry there.

Thanks for all your prayers and for reading =)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

painting the salon.

Last weekend, along with celebrating Easter, our church decided to paint the salon above the church in preparation to them starting Bible School for the kids that come to the church services with their parents!

Here is a snap of the salon before we started! 
Salmon walls, orange pillars, and maroon floors!

The crew going to town!

Staci transforming the pillar into a tree!

My little masterpieces. A boy Scout, some flowers...

...and a girl Scout!

The (almost) finished result! 
They still need to paint the floor green and add some clouds!

Since this is our "living room" it has been a great change of scenery! It even feels like we're getting to experience some of the outdoors while we eat our meals!


Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Last night Staci and I had some friends over to paint Easter eggs with! "Pascuas" is the Castellano word for Easter and they have different traditions here. Painting eggs isn't one of them. Neither is hiding eggs and finding them! So, naturally we did that too!

Decorating eggs!

The finished products!

I hid Staci's Santa in the stocking haha!

Belen searching for eggs!

Staci finding eggs left and right! She was like a lil kid in a candy shop!

Coti with (almost) all the eggs!

Of course afterwards we were hanging out and it got to be dinner time (most people eat dinner around 8 or 9 or 10) and we were like, lets eat eggs! Coti whipped up some "huevos rellenos" for us! 


It was a great evening and it was fun to share our traditions and it gave us a little taste of being home! This weekend is going to be full of celebration! On Friday we have a special Friday Servive, then on Saturday night we are having an all church movie night. THEN on Sunday we have our Easter Service followed by a potlock! Should be a full and fun weekend!

Happy Easter everyone!

Christ is RISEN!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

weekend revival.

Thank you all for praying for the campaign that the covenant church's in Argentina put on this last weekend! There was a great turn out and so many volunteers and work got put into it being a success! I know that God used it to His glory and purpose as we saw new believers enter the kingdom and many who rededicate their lives to Christ!


There was a tent to the left of the stage with intercessors who prayed throughout the 3 day event!
What an amazing demenstration of "pray without ceasing!"

A lively group that was in the back worshiping and dancing!

The group from our church that prayed in the liberation corner!
The young man in the middle with the uniform on started the Portal of Hope church that
Fabian and Patricia are pastors of! 

Being a former techy, I know that these guys need props for 
all their hard work behind the scenes!

The kids corner! Making it a great event for the whole family!

Selling yummy foods!

Recruiting for Scouts kick off!

Twas a beautiful weekend full of joy and encouragement! I am honored to have been able to be a part of it!


Saturday, March 7, 2015

prepping the predio.

This weekend is the Northern IPEA's (Evangelical Covenant Church of Argentina) big revival! The church has been working diligently to get the Predio ready and Staci and I were in charge of creating all the name tags for the pastors and volunteers working the event!

Last weekend we spent Saturday tarde (afternoon until dark) and Sunday manana (morning) helping mow/weedeat and rake up the grass at the Predio.

This is a phenomenon here that I have been wanting to document but hadn't gotten the chance until now. To cut large areas of land, you don't see tractors or riding mowers, or.. mowers for that matter. You often see lines of workers with weedeaters attached to them wacking off all the long grass! Thus, that's what happened last weekend as well! And of course, you have the grass baggers like us with their rakes and bags following close behind!

It was a long process, but it was nice to have the physical labor! And we were right at home since we had a lawn care business the summer before last! Who knew that it was just training to be a missionary in Argentina ^_^

The dedicated weedeaters!

 Raking away!

The bags of grass, not including the additional 10 from Sunday morning!

Putting up the sign!

I am a little late posting this! Last night was the opening night of the conference! I'll post pictures and send out my monthly update telling you how it went as soon as I can!

Bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers!


Sunday, February 22, 2015


Yesterday was a work day for the church revival. A bunch of the men got together and dug holes and put up lamp posts throughout the Predio and then strung wire between them all to get electricity to the lights. It was a pretty cool process to see!

While they were doing that a group of us had a meeting for Scouts which starts up the weekend after the revival. We talked about different things that needed done as well as put us into groups on who will be helping what age group. I'll be helping with the younger kiddos and Staci is helping with the high school aged. I also got dubbed the official photographer for the first Welcoming Day!

It was pretty encouraging to sit there and be able to pick up most of what was being said! It helps that Patricia is easy to understand in general, but I have learned a ton of Castellano (Spanish) since arriving here! Along with classes twice a week we've been taking it upon ourselves to watch movies (mostly animated, or ones that we've seen a lot) in Spanish so that we can learn more. It can be kind of frustrating because in most cases the subtitles don't match what is being said, but it's the best "homework" you can get!

Here are some pictures to enjoy from last night!

A bunch of the guys working on the lights!

Daniel and Alejandro taping a TON of wire together 
so they can be strung to all the light poles.

Staci found a bike that had a machete tied to it!? 

Hector of course demonstrated what it was used for! Haha!

Take one on a group photo haha! I accidentally had it zoomed all the way in!
But it is a nice picture of Sole! Haha!

Take two on the group pic!
Diana, Staci, Sole, and I!

The guys using their makeshift (two short ladders tied/wired together)
ladder to put up the wire and the lights.

Staci saving the day by shoveling out dangerous spiky weeds!

We were sitting at our meeting and the guys walked by..
"Take a picture! Take a picture!"

A nice picture of Sole, Patricia, and Diana!

At the end of our time there I sat back in my chair and looked at all the people around. The guys doing the "manly work" and their wives and kids supporting them, helping when possible, serving food and mate. Work towards the revival, and work towards Scouts, all meshed together in the same place. Just hanging out and getting things done for hours. Not really bored or dying to get home or on to the next thing. Just living in community. 

It was a scene that I will not soon forget.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

fighting anxiety.

I've been reading a book called "Future Grace" by John Piper. I really enjoyed this excerpt about anxiety. It is an encouragement to fight unbelief with the Word which is something I'd love to strive for!

"We should follow the pattern of Jesus and Paul. We should battle the unbelief of anxiety with the promises of future grace. When I am anxious about some risky new venture or meeting, I battle unbelief with one of my most often used promises, Isaiah 41:10... "Fear not for I am with you, be not dismaybed for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you, with my victorious right hand" (Isaiah 41:10, RSV). When the motor of my mind is in neutral, the hum of the gears is the sound of Isaiah 41:10.

When I am anxious about my ministry being useless and empty, I fight unbelief with the promise of Isaiah 55:11. "So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

When I am anxious about being too weak to do my work, I battle unbelief with the promise of Christ, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

When I am anxious about decisions I have to make about the future, I battle unbelief with the promise, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you" (Psalm 32:8).

When I am anxious about facing opponents, I battle unbelief with the promise, "If God is for us, who is against us!" (Romans 8:31).

When I am anxious about the welfare of those I love, I battle unbelief with the promise that if I, being evil, know how to give good things to my children, how much more will the "Father who is in heaven give what is goo to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11). And I fight to maintain my spiritual equilibrium with the reminder that everyone who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for Christ's sake "shall receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life" (Mark 10:29-30).

When I am anxious about being sick, I battle unbelief with the promise, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all" (Psalm 34:19). And I take the promise with trembling: "Tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5:3-5).

When I am anxious about getting old, I battle unbelief with the promise, "Even to your old age, I shall be the same, and even to your graying years I shall bear you! I have done it, and I shall carry you; and I shall bear you, and I shall deliver you" (Isaiah 46:4).

When I am anxious about dying, I battle unbelief with the promise that "not one of us lives for himself and not one of us dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living" (Romans 14:7-9).

When I am anxious that I may make shipwreck of faith and fall away from God, I battle unbelief with the promises, "He who began an good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ (Philippians 1:6); and, "He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25).

...Let us make war, not with other people, but with our own unbelief. It is the root of anxiety, which, in turn is the root of so many other sins. ...Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight-- to live by faith in future grace."


If you would like to get my monthly updates, please email me! For ministry reasons I don't include everything on my blog, and you will also get a list of how you can be praying! Shoot an email to:

I meant to add this to my February monthly update, but I am still coming up short on my in country and ministry costs. Please prayerfully consider donating a one time or monthly gift of $50 or $100. I will be here until the beginning of June and this would be a great help as I continue serving here in Argentina.

Send checks payable to "Evangelical Covenant Church," with "Lindsey Iman Support" in the memo, to:

Evangelical Christian Church 
8303 W Higgins Road 
Chicago, Illinois, 60631

If you have questions about how to do automatic monthly payments, email

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

that which is set before me.

I have a ton on my mind that I’ve been learning and experiencing but I think it’s best if I just separate my thoughts out into different blogs. So for today: I am God’s. He will accomplish what he has planned, whether it includes me or not. And if it doesn't, that doesn't mean he isn't working in and through me in ways that I can't see.

It’s an interesting lesson to learn, because it looks strange in practice.

For instance, we planned on helping with a different church’s camp, but our Scouts camp got moved to the same dates. So we planned on Scouts camp; practicing songs to teach the kids and looking up the words to teach them kickball! And the day is finally here! We’re ready to roll annndddddd it doesn’t happen. And what’s weird is that no one really told us what was going on. We went upstairs to ask what time it would start and we were told that the kid’s parents didn’t get back to them and that there wasn’t going to be a camp. Odd... So, we go to church as usual of Friday night, a beautiful service as usual. 

Then… about a month ago, we decided that we needed to buy tickets to go to Uruguay to renew our visas. It’s cheaper to buy them ahead of time and before we bought them we told Fabian the dates we were thinking of going, he said, yea no conflict, sounds good and enjoy! Then, on Saturday, the weekend before we leave, we are told that the church will be handing out flyers to invite people to the revival next month…. WHAT!? But we’re leaving and we wanted to help with that!!!

It was a saddening feeling. We were geared up and have been ready to serve, but plans fell through, and plans conflicted… I found myself questioning, “God, why? Why are we here if the ways in which we can serve, aren’t working out?”

On the Sunday night service, between a prayer and a song, Staci turned to me and said, “What if God is doing this so that we know that without a doubt we are His. He is before us and has a plan for us here, whether it looks the way we think it should or not.”

A revelation to true to not review! We are His, and He is using us in ways we can not see. Maybe the church needed to hand out the flyers and do evangelism without us this time and we can join them next time. But maybe not! 

Pride… wanting to be able to have something to show. To have pictures or stories to tell about what I did. But that’s not always God’s plan. It's tempting to skip this post all together and tell you of something else that God has used me for but I am being humbled... It's just like satan to attack at this point, to accuse and say, "You're worthless." But it's not true! I still claim victory! God worked miracles to bring me here. And I can excitedly say that the church, the body of Christ! came together and took the word to the streets of Argentina. Pray for all those who heard of the revival; that their hearts would be sparked and maybe they would come and hear the Truth that will be told. 

And pray for me, as I learn to praise God and find joy in Christ, with whatever task it is that he has before me… working with kids, or attending a service. Inviting friends or neighbors to church, or praying for them at the Tuesday night prayer meetings. It is all important in the kingdom of God. And I pray that I don't loose heart and continue to love and serve in whatever ways to whoever God sets before me! 



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

in all you do.

One thing that I pray for you all is that you will be able to experience what God has for you when you are walking by faith in the path that He has you on. It's not always easy, but it is worth it.

There's a lot of social differences in this culture that are hard to navigate through. One of the hardest parts is that they are so family oriented. It's hard to be away from my family when it seems like such an important thing here. Like, they live with their parents until they're married, and even after that they are sometimes in the same house! It just makes me want to go home and never leave! (Not sure how you feel about that mom and dad!) But mainly, our culture doesn't really accept that. We are seen as failures if we are adults and living at home and not providing for ourselves. Neither of them are wrong.. they're just different ways of seeing things.

One thing that I do appreciate though and I can learn a lot from, is that this culture doesn't need to be productive or have perfect plans to be successful... I think this could be a helpful take away as regards to how I relate with God.

I'm a pretty goal oriented person. I like to have something to be working towards and to accomplish. To the point that when I don't have a purpose, I feel like I'm failing. This can be dangerous in our relationship with God because we don't need to do anything for Him to make Him happy. He is perfectly satisfied. And if we feel like we have to work work, do do do, to please Him, then we miss the blessings that we receive by just being able to draw close to Him and be filled by Him in order to serve and be a blessing through Him.

It's interesting being a missionary. Because your job is to serve and share Christ's love with others. But you have to be receiving from Him before you can pour out. So sometimes, I get hard on myself for not being able to DO more, but even the little things, the daily things, bring Him glory when we are doing it for Him. "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord."

Even when I KNOW that this is where God has me and have seen God's hand in bringing me here and how He has used me, the daily to day living can be rough. Life is harder here; things aren't as dependable, I can't always understand what people are trying to say to me, I can't just run to Wal-Mart and get what I need. But! In all this, I am being shaped into His likeness, and I count all I have as loss next to the surpasing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord!

I hope this is an encouragement to you all! No matter where you are, if you are in God's will, He will bless you and keep you. Just keep seeking His face in all that you do!


Monday, January 19, 2015

verbs are hard.

Practicing Spanish verb tenses:
Staci (in Spanish), "I use to eat vegetables but now I'm a fruititarian."
(This was prompted by me telling Staci a story from my runners magazine
about an ultra marathon runner than only ate fruit!)

Staci: "Hablamos con un muchacho en el supermercado hoy."
Lindsey, translating: "We ate a man... errr..."
(Real translation: We talked with a man at the market today."

Lindsey, continuing the joke: "Comeremos un hombre." (We will eat a man.)
Staci: "Sooo.. what we got from all this is that one day we will eat a man..."
Lindsey: "... con pan." (with bread)
Both: "JAJAJA!!" (HAHAHA!!!)

Yes yes, Spanish learning is fun and hard.
Practicing verb tenses is an important thing.
I know this first hand.
The following story is unfortunately true... o_0

Staci and I were passing through the park walking to the bus stop.
This man approached us and started making us rings out of wire.
(It's common for people to come up and try to sell you things,
most times its easy to say no, but we decided to buy the little rings and talk to him.)

So the man tells us that he has been doing this for 6 years and is homeless.

And I say: "Donde vamos cuando esta frio!?"
I... unknowingly said...
"Where do WE go when it's cold?"
instead of "Where do YOU go when it's cold."

And the man points to a park bench and said,
"Alla? O donde querés! Jajaja!" (Over there.. or wherever you want!)

I had no idea what I had said wrong or what he said in response,
but Staci missed my mistake and understood the guy and was like.. uhhh?!
And he said, "What!? She's the one that said it!"

I then realize what happened...

AND that was the moment I decided that I should not talk
until I have a good grasp of what I'm saying....

The End  =)


Thursday, January 15, 2015


I… have a confession.

I never thought this would become of me...

..Don’t judge..


I’ve become…



Seriously, I always kind of took pride in the fact that I didn’t make lists. That I could remember what I needed to get or do. But when your mind is constantly on overload, it get's lost in this black hole between trying to comprehend Spanish and the land mine of cockroaches in our dining room area o_0.
Some of my lists.

A list of things I need to do. A list of groceries I need. A list of people to email. A list of activities that are happening in the church. And even a list of things to do if and when everything on my other lists get done! Crazy talk.

Anyways, besides this list making business, Staci and I have been enjoying the tranquility of La Plata on summer vacation. Most businesses close either the first or second “fortnight” (fifteen days) of January to go on vacation to the beaches. On top of that the universities are on summer break so the college kids are gone. It makes the city a lot like Manhattan in the summer (only with a 1,000,000 people rather than 50,000). We get a seat on the buses. Our Spanish classes are on hold. Ha, and our local supermarket is closed for the rest of the month so hopefully we don’t run out of milk!

A sunset from my house

Miraculously I got a package from my parents last week! I think it’s a rarity these days because of the restrictions on imports. The Argentines even questioned me on what company I used and that they couldn’t believe I got it (in 18 days none the less!). One gal we talked to said it took a letter from the states 3 months to get to her!

My package full of the essentials: Peanutbutter, cinnamon, chili and taco seasoning 
(all lacking here) and of course a running magazine and some chocolate from Santa!

We have started hanging out with a great group of people who are a lot of fun. We’ve had game night with them and they took us bowling! They have been incredibly patient with us, have taught us a lot of slang, and helped understand the difference between “Hace cantos..” y “Hasta cuado…” ("How long ago did you arrive" vs. "When do you leave”) and the correct way to respond! (It’s hard to hear the difference and we usually end up telling them that we got here in June and are leaving in October!) 
 Staci playing chess against Mario

 It’s an exciting time! Seeking God’s face and serving Him in whatever ways He asks. I only hope that I can praise Him through it all!

A doodle I drew ^_^


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

festivities and the days after.

Wow, I can't believe all that has happened since just last week!

On the 30th, our church had a end of the year BBQ with the whole church. Yes, picture big juicy burgers, hotdogs on a bun, and a grill. Now take that thought and get rid of it! Haha, yes. This is an Argentine "Asado" BBQ. LOTS and LOTS of steak. Whole chickens! And churizos (which are kind of like brats but not really..)! And, nix any kind of sauce. It's just, steak! And of course great company!
The women preparing the salad!

Alejandro keeping the fire burning!

Everyone eating STEAK!

After the asado, our friend Belen and her boyfriend, Danny, along with another couple, Mario and Denise, and their parents and kids (haha yes, we were quite the caravan!), went to check out the New Years munecas, "dolls." This has been a tradition in La Plata for about 30 or so years where people make this huge dolls out of wire and then papermache them. The neighborhood with the best one wins a prize and everyone gets to send in their votes as to which they like the most!

This is the first one we saw! I think it might have been based off Maleficent.
It all moved and the big tree in the back talked and blinked!

Another display with Looney Toons! Our whole group got our picture taken 
with it but it was with a different camera.

What's crazy, is they spend weeks building these things and then after midnight on New Years they burn them!

More Fiestas
The 3rd was Belen's birthday! We were invited over and we got to have another great dinner, lovely cake and to enjoy the company of friends!
Getting the party started! Me, Staci, Soli, David, and Belen

Belen and the cake!

She brought out some balloons and I ended up making everyone the different balloon animals and things that I know how to make! (Thanks Dad!)

Belen and I with the dog I made her haha! 
I later found out that she got a puppy for her birthday!

Most of the party!

One of Belen's friends knew English really well, so it was fun to understand everything she wanted to say, as well as have her translate some of the things we didn't know. I will say that Spanish has been a struggle, but I have to remind myself that I'm lightyears ahead of where I was when I got here!

Life Be Like
This weekend we decided to plan a day of freedom where we didn't have to worry about language, or what we were going to eat for the next meal, or how to get where we were going, we just decided to find a place to explore. Hahah! We came across this beautiful sign that we had no idea what it meant....

Our interpretation: "Meanering with Máte"

Everyone who drinks máte often has a bag that holds their máte cup and their thermos along with the máte leaves and sugar.

Haha! Turns out, at least we think, it's a school zone sign. But I like our's better ^_^

The other day we went to the park to practice some Spanish and were joined by Coti. She is our barista/waitress at the coffee shop that we like. We had always struggled trying to order what we wanted and then one day she outright spoke in English and had told us that she taught herself by watching movies! (This WHOLE time you spoke English!?! Haha!) We chatted at the park, I wasn't aloud to use English =/ and we shared different things that we like to do. One of her hobbies? Planking!

This morning there was a huge storm! Like, I had to block the door to our room or else it would have been blown open. And I had to sacrifice my towel to cover the gap under the door to keep a flood of water from running across the floor to our suitcases! It was intense.

This month Patricia is in the United States! Once again, God has worked wonders and she is going to be able to visit my church in Salina to talk to them about the projects here and what the team will be doing when they come in October. 

Since she is out of the house, we volunteered to make lunch for the boys a couple times a week. Today we made ham and cheese stuffed chicken and mashed potatoes! It was a hit!

Though the rain has subsided all day, a big thunder just crashed outside our window… Some day soon I will post pictures of where I live ^_^ But this post is long enough today, so I will leave you with one of God’s promises from Isaiah 41:

“I have chosen you and have not rejected you,
So do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

